Smoke rings in a galaxy
An endless flight through time
Lyra gave her harp to him
And left him free to climb
Apollo taught me to rhyme
Orpheus taught me to play
Andromeda cast down her
And Vega
lights my way
Above - The ring nebula in the constellation of
Lyra. It does look like a smoke ring. John wrote the song 'Spirit' in the early 70s. After he died one of his European fan
clubs named a star for him. They didn't choose the star. It was done by computer, but when their star chart arrived they
found it was in the constellation of Lyra, the harp
Vega is the brightest star in Lyra, and one of the three
brightest in the summer sky. It's name in Arabic means 'stone eagle'.
Below - Point Pinos lighthouse, Pacific Grove overlooks the
spot where John's plane went down.
A winters journey from the moon
To reach the summer sun
To rise again, to sing for you
A song thats yet unsung
Apollo taught me to rhyme
Orpheus taught me to play
Andromeda cast down her sign
And Vega lights my way